Saturday, February 22, 2020

Jewish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Jewish - Essay Example The participation of Jews in the 20th century entertainment industry contributed to this concept and has led into assertions that continue to create a sense of popularity over specific Jewish cultural stereotypes. The stereotypes that have been created in entertainment began with the third generation of Jews from the immigration that took place. After this time, there was an alteration in how Jews were looked at, specifically which combined the Americanization of Jews and the traditional identity that has been added into the identity of how Jews are looked at within popular culture today. The concept of Jewish culture before the entertainment began to be a part of mainstream America was one that was separate from other parts of America. The first and second generation Jews came from Eastern Europe and other areas that had different traditions and concepts of lifestyle. More important, most of the immigrants that were a part of the melting pot were restricted to ghettos and had difficulty in basic earnings and the ability to reach the American dream. Stereotypes were created from this developed from contrasts within America specifically because of the expectations and assumptions of how Jews lived within American culture. There were different aspects that were associated with what it meant to be Jewish as well as the inability to accept Jews into the American culture because of the contrasting traditions, cultures, festivities and language (Gold, 12, 1996). The problem with Jews in America was based on the marginalization of the minority, specifically because there wa s a belonging of being in the ghettos and having traditions that were not American. Many looked at this as a separate idea of what it meant to be American, which created boundaries and barriers with the American identity. The stereotypes that were created were first based around the economic situation of Jews. Living in the ghetto and taking jobs that were mediocre because of the

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Does the internet degrades its users's cognitive quality Essay

Does the internet degrades its users's cognitive quality - Essay Example This paper is supposed to be a research opinion paper, so you are right to change this into a more argumentative one. Please strengthen this paper if possible by adding strong arguments, providing great coherence of logic flow, or including thought-provoking ideas. Does The Internet Degrade Its User’s Cognitive Quality? The internet is extremely prevalent these days; it has transformed human life from a normal life to a digital life. There are no life segments, in which the influence of internet is negligible. Business, education, communication, healthcare, culture and politics are some areas in which internet brought huge changes. The entire world is now divided into real world and virtual world. The activities going on the virtual world are almost equal in magnitude with the activities going on in the real world. In short, internet has made plenty of changes in the physical world. The influence of internet is not limited to the physical world alone; even mental activities un dergo rapid changes. One of affected mental activities is people’s cognitive skills; cognitive skills are brain-based skills that include set of abilities that are part of human actions. It involves logic, attention, memory, and perception. The efficiency and convenience that the internet provides is utilized by people in order to make their life much easier. Comparing internet research to hours of turning book pages to find relevant information and noting them down, the latter seems like a laborious and time-consuming task. After all, the internet provides relevant information from thousands of sources altogether in just a matter of seconds. But without being realized, it serves as a double-edged sword where it overindulges our brain and ruins our cognitive ability. The internet has made our lives much easier, but along with that it has degraded our cognitive quality. Being a student in this tech savvy generation, I am completely aware of the role the internet plays in our l ives. In fact today’s youth cannot even imagine getting through schools and colleges without the internet. The internet helps to complete academic tasks more easily because we have easy access to every piece of information one can ever imagine; it is all just a click away. The internet serves as huge library where one has access to information from all corners of the world. Even though lack of good editorial committees has flooded the internet with wrong information, the convenience of using the net to seek something, continues to be a preferred choice over browsing through books and journals. With the realization that using the internet to search for information is pretty convenient, people are becoming overly dependent on it, and slowly, their reasoning and problem solving skills are dropping. The internet provides readymade answers to all problems; therefore a student or researcher does not feel the need to think much about solving a problem. On the other hand, generations in the past were forced to think deeply to analyze different dimensions of a problem before identifying proper solution for that. The easiness in solving problem with the help of internet causes mental idleness. According to a study conducted by Karin Slegers, a Cognitive Psychologist, older adults who rely on the internet lose their cognitive functions much faster than their counterparts